October 25, 2024

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It was unfortunate for this new Mitsubishi Outlander that I had just come off of a week experiencing the Kia Cadenza. The new Mitsubishi was actually $2,000 more expensive than the Kia, albeit in a totally different category of course. But thanks to that unfortunate coincidence it really brought to the front what is wrong with Mitsubishi at the moment. The Outlander screamed that is was far out of time, even though it is brand new. The exterior design could invoke in no way more than a simple “meh..”, the interior design would have been OK 10 years ago, and the color and materials of the interior were also from that era. On top of that Mitsubishi saw fit to save on sound proofing materials, which made for an interior that echoed the voices, this metal echo that I personally have not heard since the days of the VW Bus at the end of the sixties..

Really Mitsubishi..? This is such a far cry from the products you were making in the mid eighties… There is much competition out there, and neither the body design, interior design, engine performance nor drive train would ever categorize this car in the prize range it is being sold at. Sadly, I hope they wake up to a changed reality at Mitsubishi. They used to be so good, but after that scandal they never seem to have been able to get to grips with reality anymore.

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