October 25, 2024

Sadly my good friend Danny Ellis passed away earlier today after a long battle fighting several illnesses. All throughout he never lost his good spirit and sense of humor and until the very last he was still trying to make the lives of others better! Always with Yoshiko by his side, for the past 23 years that I’ve known them they’ve always been the happy couple trying their best to get design projects done for a great variety of global clients, always involving his vast group of friends and associates.

In 2006 Danny and I worked on a presentation video showcasing his Form Design Studio in Rancho Santa Margarita, and I thought this a suitable tribute to Danny, showing both his work as an independent consultant as well as some of his successes leading Subaru America Design and even before that with Ford Design.

Dan Ellis will be missed by many all over this globe. Only the fact that he is now no longer suffering provides a little comfort in the loss of such a good friend! I wish Yoshiko all the strength she needs to fight through this devastating loss.

Here is a link to Danny’s visitation and funeral services on Saturday August 5th in Mission Viejo. Hoping to see many of you there!


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