October 25, 2024

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Text and photos by Cor Steenstra

The 2013 Chevrolet Malibu XLT is a large car. It features the latest Chevrolet design language, making it modern yet bland, which apparently is exactly what the audience for this car wants. It does not try to compete with the Korean crowd in that segment, since it clearly can not. It is not aimed at that. It is aimed at the mid western folks that have been buying Chevy all their lives, and it does that very well.It was not that I was uncomfortable in the car, but it wasn’t like I was trying on a new suit either. It was this kind of “meh” experience. The design definitely does not make me run to the show rooms, but I can imagine that there are areas in this vast country where it could well represent being…. uhm.., just being…

To be really honest, GM has such a vast array of design talent all around the world, it would have been so easy to put in a little effort into this car, and make something out of it.. Something.. Anything but “meh”…

I refuse to put this one down to the bean counters, since I do have the impression that design has a strong footing within GM these days, so this must have been a decision from within design to just…. make something.. Anything.. And it shows…

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